Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Too good for the iPhone 5?

Case: Moschino
There is no global warming going on in NYC.  It is freezing outside and I'm over it.  Anyway-- remember all the elaborate cell phone cases I had since college?  The best one had to my DIY gold bedazzled blackberry case.  Took me 3 hours to perfect it and it was gorgeous.  Now that I switched phones, my best work of art is gone. Sigh.
I'm shopping for a new case and I'm jonesing for this Moschino one.  Unfort it is not available for the iPhone 5.  Sounds like I have another DIY project! Jean


Vanessa said...

So cute...I like your blog.^^
Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back.;)
Lovely greets Nessa
My Blog

Jean Mra said...

Aww thank you! Digging your style and I am now following you on bloglovin. Looking forward to your future posts. Jean