Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Freezing. Again.

Vest: Adrienne Landau, Sweater: Rugby, Scarf: Missoni, Boots: Zara, Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Photography by BShim of Bashful Captures

My my... that Chuck Bass.  So handsome! Btw, I know I told you this but I saw him in the LES last summer and he looks even better in person. So glad I chased him down the street to take a picture with him.  And no, I'm not ashamed of it.  Actually, quite proud of it. 
Anyway....I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know when to wear a vest.  I'm either freezing or sweating-- true story.  I think when Bo took this picture, I was freezing and probably why I look somewhat angry.  Don't get me wrong, the fur helped but needed some sleeves that day.  Maybe this means I need a fur coat.  Hmmm.
Btw, this color, Oxblood, LOVE IT.  Just like how I love Chuck Bass (I love you too Andrew!).

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